What Does The Jamie G Sporting Trust Do?

Organised sport is a wonderful activity for young people to participate in. It teaches self-discipline, cooperation and team spirit and engenders sportsmanship. It provides a healthy outlet for youthful exuberance and energy in a safe, controlled and productive environment, and instils a healthy exposure to the competitive spirit of sport which can also provide valuable lessons for modern-day living.

The health-giving benefits of sport are obvious and sport is a contributor to physical fitness and the avoidance of obesity. The benefits of sport can be life-long and the relationships formed can be deep and lasting.

Youth sport has suffered in recent years as a result of expenditure constraints and there is growing reliance on the private sector and, in particular, on the excellent contribution made by well meaning individuals and small groups who organise sporting activities and run clubs, often with very limited resources and facilities. These clubs give fantastic value for money and make a major contribution to activities for young people with the associated benefits of enhanced community spirit and reduced anti-social behaviour.

These clubs are usually extremely resource-constrained and it has been the intention of the Jamie G Sporting Trust to step into the gap and provide financial assistance.  The Trust has provided a controlled distribution of funds to sports clubs for the young in the Andover area since 2009. Over £150,000! This financial support has provided assistance in the training of talented individuals, by the provision of equipment and facilities directly to the clubs or support for coach training to further enhance the quality of training the clubs can provide.


The Committee of The Jamie G Sporting Trust